
Galatians 6:10 “Let us do good to all men, especially those in the household of faith”
James 2: 15,16 “If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, and one of you says to them “Go in peace; be warmed and filled” and you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that?” 

To meet the material needs in conjunction with the spiritual needs of those who are in need

Investigate appeals for help and respond where justified
Provide for primary needs and communicate spiritual needs (if applicable)
Accumulate and distribute food and clothing
Investigate temporary accommodation resources
Encourage brethren to be more sensitive and responsive to the plight of others; install a spirit of compassion and giving
Consider community benevolent opportunities, (Eg. Old age homes, orphanages, prisons, Kangaroo Unit, etc.)
Assist in local and other relief programs should the need arise
Try to investigate which government or other resources are available to meet various situations
(Eg. Social welfare, service clubs etc.)
Be accountable to the church for all monies spent
Confidentiality is assured to those in need